Thursday, February 07, 2008

Nothing new. Yet...

It's been May since I updated this, so here's something for my own satisfaction. I'm about 1/3 done with my very last semester of undegrad, can't believe how fast it's gone and I know it's simply going to fly by the next 10 weeks. My departmental honors project (mini-thesis) is going fine, I made a big breakthrough with my data analysis method and basically have that part straightened out, I have 4 weeks to write the thing and it feels wonderfully manageable at the moment.

Big things will happen for me in the next year or two. I graduate May 4th, 2008 at 2:00 PM EDT at UTC's McKenzie Arena with my Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (and maybe a minor in Physics, it's all up to the petitions committee whether they count a thermo class or not).

I've applied for another internship in Germany for the summer, 2 positions with Bosch and 1 with BASF. Also applied to three different Master's programs in Europe through the Erasmus Mundus program. Two in aerospace engineering, a third in energy management. If I get one of those I'll live in 2-4 European countries for the next two years.

If not..., well I don't have much of a plan for that yet. I've applied to no US schools, so no fall back options there. I'd ideally like to work for a few/several months, save money and make a massive world trip, dwarfing any of my previous travels in all respects. Then once I've gotten that out of my system apply for more grad schools for Fall 2009. Work just isn't what I want to go straight into right now.

Enough of that, I'll probably update this again when I find out what will happen to me for the summer. If that works out, and doubly so if a Master's does, I'd like to do some video blogging and keep a much more up to date written journal on here or a new blog, since for all intents and purposes I'd be severed from most of my family (but not as much as you'd think, haha, [end prophetic statement for my future amusement]) and all my great friends and acquaintances I've developed the past 10 years in Chattanooga :(

Although... I'm not sure why, but last semester (Fall 07) I was definitely not ready to graduate, I was sad and sentimental and just plain liked being in school. This semester I'm much more focused and am getting much more out of my classes, and somehow all the nostalgia is gone, I'm mentally ready to move on past undergraduate studies at UTC to something else, whatever that may turn out to be....

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