Monday, October 23, 2006

Ok, here it is, the long awaited dancing video.

Laugh, cry, marvel at my bravery for handing strangers my camera to film me, do whatever just as long as it brightens you day and maybe even broadens your horizons and expands your mind a bit.

And never, ever stop dancing.


Anonymous said...

WHOA! That's so awesome! I had some idea of what you were aiming for, but this beats it all! Well done - absolutely hilarious, glad I could help in any way!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Just like what I told you in Jenks, I think it's great. I enojoy it very much. It can't help but bring a smile to each and every face who sees it. Great job. Great dancing skills, and the places are beautiful. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, now thats kewl. What a great track to do it too as well..... Nice to see that you kept up the rhythm at each location....fantastic. BTW, I got the link from Rob and Sam in Australia.

Anonymous said...

That was terrific!! It definitely brought a smile to my face. :) The beginning was great. Thanks for sharing it with all of us!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't see the video. Just a blank area. Have you moved it?

Anonymous said...

Finally got to see the video...3:46 of it any way. Really enjoyed it. One of our sons said he wants to send the video around to his friends and ask them to send it to their friends, then one day you may get to be interviewed on TV because everyone is watching your video. You never know :>)

Dan said...

Yay! Is it too much to ask of life for people to pay me to travel and do my silly dance in front of their cameras? : )

Anonymous said...

The world needs more of this kind of entertainment. Everytime we watch it, a big smile comes across our faces, with a little added giggle! I agree with Emma's comment because who knows, maybe someday you'll be on TV, with a million dollar movie contract to follow? No wait, maybe TWO million! :o)
Thanks for brightening our day!