Sunday, September 03, 2006

Some Totals

Life is settling down quite a bit. I guess not for two long since it's barely a month till the Feast though! Go Tulsa!

Quite the trip I just had, I need to go back and fill in my personal diary a bit more with all my thoughts, impressions, feelings, etc. and then sort thru my thousands (4,400 to be semi exact) of pictures so I can show people when I see them without boring them out of their minds with the 4,200 bad ones : )

I'm not sure what will become of this blog, I really don't think a ton of people read it, and those who do read it probably email me once in a while anyway so I'm not terribly motivated to keep it up, but I will try to add more posts eventually with more pictures. As far as much writing goes though, I'm going to say probably not much will be goin down here for a while, so I'll leave it at to be continued in summer 2008...

A bunch of random numbers from my trip:

-100 days (cool!)
-76 trains rides
-10 missed train rides
-dozens and dozens of car rides
-20 bus rides
-4 Major undergounds (London, Paris, Milan, Vienna)
-25 City-train (Stadtbahn) rides
-$ X,XXX dollars spent
-14 Sabbaths, kept in 11 different cities (only repeats in Bonn, Vienna, Coniston), but not a single one alone!
-0 Saturday nights in my apartment in Bonn (no, not because I was out partying, I was at somewhere else every single weekend!)

And the coolest numbers:
-9 different countries (in order, England, the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Wales)
-6 plane rides for about 9,000 miles

I'd really like to include the total number of miles for the WHOLE trip but I'm a bit tired at the moment so I'll edit this post later.

AND DON'T WORRY, THE DANCING VIDEO WILL COME. Hopefully before the feast. Relax.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Danny! It has been a great adventure just following your advenure! Please do, when you have time, post more pictures from your journey. Your blog makes us all wish that we could have been there, too. Next time, have an adventure with your Uncle, I know that he likes to travel also.