Beach in Sarasota, FL

Maserati, in the Wal-Mart parking lot! Sarasota, FL

Me and my dad in the world't best Thai restaurant, Sarasota, FL

At Clifton Suspension Bridge, armed and ready for action, Bristol, England

Me and Pete, Bath, England
More of me and Pete walzing across the Bristol countryside

No group picture from London, this is the most people together I have. Left to right, Jon, Kathy, Dan, Ian, Isla.

A very unimpressive ride at Alton Towers, England...

Mel and I at least pretended to be scared. See more of this trip at!!

What can I say, my British side just came out, Buckingham Palace, England

A random picture of Donald's back in a quaint London alley

Read the Oxford blog entry, I LOVED the Natural History Museum

From the outside, getting ready to dance

On the plane to France, I ate and drank quite well

Eiffel Tower, France

Absolutely the best building in Paris, Sacre Cour
Ahhh.... I waited 10 years to have that pizza!

Me and Elena looking very mean, Urbino, Italy

Next to a real, authentic San Marino traffic officer!

Finally in Bonn, a couple people from a barbecue at my dorm building.

In Vienna! Alex and Sara at a Friday evening picnic

Alex's Zoo, Shönbrunn, my long lost brother!

That's all for the moment, I could keep going all day. My "Summer 2006" pictures folder has 3,038 files in it right now. I've gone a bit nuts with my camera, most of them aren't any good but even if 10% are usable I'll have enough for quite the album when I'm done. Bye bye now.
great stuff dan.
Loved reading about your summer adventures, but your mother (my dear sister) told me this was to be a working trip....
Saw the picture of you and your father -- tell him to lose the beard.
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